Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stir Fry With Noodles And Post Calories

CLOWN-MIMO Workshop with Laura Herts.14 and 15 courses

Dates: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15
Mayo'11 Hours: 11am to 18pm
Price: 160 €

(For both beginners and professionals) very limited SEATS !!!!!

The Clown, find your own clown or find themselves, give it body, take every moment, every moment shared with others, with the public ... Discovering oneself, accept your faults and your strengths to know you better. Use your nonsense and your own ridiculous to give a theatrical dimension. Have fun, find the joy of playing like children, "real" invent each his unique universe, the universe comic.

The Clown, but where is it? We simply

mime, body language, the language of the clown who can play, express themselves, to enrich our universal communication.
Learning the vocabulary of mime and gestures accuracy. Open
body into space. Learn that the smallest gesture can load space and at the same time what we mean.

through movement, voice, dramatic play, alone or in groups, through improvisation: Leave the clown birth itself.

Clowning is like Zen, when we reach Nirvana, we try to cling to it, using the intellect, escapes us. We can only find ways to let it go and find it surprising that we have inside.

For information and reservations please send an email to the attention of the Sea, to:


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