Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Congratulations Quotes For New Work

Expeditions DR Congo and Lebanon Clowns Without Borders in May Programming

PSF volunteers Dear artists,

hope that spring is I felt great and I encourage enrolaros PSF in a caravan!
Finally we closed the calendar for the next two expeditions to the DR Congo and Lebanon. Here we leave the details:


  • The next action in the Kivu region North, in the DR Congo, will be done between the months of June and July 2011. The dates suggest inicialmetne and could vary significantly depending on your availability are the June 15 to July 5.
  • We need a team of 4 artists where at least there is a woman artist and where at least have a team member who speaks French. English is also welcome for this issue, but that does not have to be a member @ h Able to French to make contact with the public and the people there waiting for you.
  • The work performed is an entertainment TOUR in different towns and cities where house people affected by the violence that has rocked the region for decades and that are returned from temporary camps where they were living in subhuman conditions for months or even years. The proceedings will be carried out predominantly in schools and public places of the villages. This part of the visa is issued in counterpart with the UN, particularly with UNHCR.
  • Part of the work done in collaboration with the organization DON BOSCO, which operates in the city of Goma a shelter for former child soldiers and for girls who have suffered sexual violence.
  • The deadline to register as a lever ipo team interested is May 12.


  • During the month of July, the next expedition to Lebanon, is number 11 in three years!
  • We need a team of 4 artists with at least one of them must be women.
  • that is required at least 2 of the team members speak English well.
  • The dates remain open for the moment, whenever 20 days in the month of July.
  • Our partner there is the UNRWA and the work is a tour of shows in the refugee camps of existing Palestinian population in southern Lebanon and Beirut.
  • deadline as a team interested in: May 30.

To contact the office:

  • Contact: Samuel Rodriguez
  • Phone: 933248420 / 653984237
  • Hours: From 9:00 h to 18:00 h
  • Mail: srodriguez@clowns.org
  • Address: Roser 74, low. Barcelona. Metro L3-Paral.lel.

Thanks to everyone for vuetra attention and for making this project with your volunteer work!

Clowns Without Borders office


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