Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Long Can You Take Cyprolex

envelope filled me the dog turd ..... COMPILED

If bogueril this world is full of "Goodie Box" or in this case the envelope full of dog poop, JEJEJEJEJEJE.
........ Today I arrived tired but happy to work for patients, "You know me by my name, of course, I take care of oncological emergencies, and the receptionists, they say ...... foretaste of M ยช Jose ... and of course my name is the appointed service, then teases them and say "You are the best going combed the hospital" and laugh (a few wise words) forbid them to talk about unrelated diseases, and tell them to talk about the spring, the birds, flowers, etcc but let them speak from their own, it serves as therapy, and laugh with those little ....... things "I came home happy" yyyyyyyy ....... ! AHIIIII TODAY ....! I miss I found two envelopes on arrival, one of Lupe ... Http:// that telita has sent me a muffin and a patron of a tremendous horse to love them, but ... it has taken so that the horse has eaten the muffins and other of the most unexpected Eve, a cute clip of a dog, not all just one, and I repeat this world blogueril always surprises you with surprises.
And speaking of that, I propose a test, type of those who go from blog to blog, string, or award, which certainly hate. Well
the proposal is:
say three things you like about blogs or this world and three things blogueril you do not like.
I start:
1.-I love the chance to meet people, who end up being friends.
2.-I love the generous vein creates this world in which we share patterns and ideas without asking anything in return.
3.-I love the surprises in the form of gifts that are received every day, like today. Etccccccccccc

1.-I hate hard feelings that sometimes enters the bloggers are created without coming to cuento.O is DROP OF HAIR virtual "Sometimes you lose friends you thought, and are not
2.-Although there are many beautiful , SAL or BOM I hate coming out on blogs, because just doing all the same and you lose all imagination to make Patchwork-patchwork.Y also the end did not say in the comments because in all the blog are the same.
3.-I hate not having a fregoneta and another life, to go all over Spain to visit her friends bloggers.
"OS passed the baton"
AGGGGGG I forgot:
You know those who know me I do not usually do free advertising from almost anyone, unless they deserve it, and this time, as "Each pig she gets her sannmartin" with forgiveness:
I would like to tell you that "finally" it was time, as nobody is prophet in his own land, have recognized the good work at ANFELINES ARTERO to me one of the best professionals patchwork in Spain, to
agggg ... what we were going, we have posted a video of their work


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