Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Men Searching His Wife Boobs


Recycling one single lamp type Ik .. Naturally, my style and with 4 bottles.
I think I will use as bases for various designs at the moment and I have thought about changes to this model.
If someone is important to encourage energy saving light bulbs use about 7W incandescent damage the PET.

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My Body Is My Casa.6 of Mayo.Caceres

MY BODY IS MY HOUSE (Dance) Choreography Only
Pilar Gallegos (Mexico / Italy) Youth and Adult Public

21:30 pm

final result of the Artistic Residency Grant La Nave del Duende (Spain ), by a grant from the Fund for the Performing Arts Grants IBERESCENA Ibero (Spain-Mexico) in the call for Choreographic Creation Process in Residence and the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (Mexico), through the National Creators of Art.

La Nave del Duende, the Canada Industrial Polg ship 1 10190 Casar de Cáceres

How Long Will My Heamatoma Take To Go Away

Workshop Circus passing.17 of Mayo.Badalona

On Tuesday 17 May, amb passing organizes a free and open to everyone. The workshop starts at 19:30 pm and is taught by Frank and Elena .

The passing is to make juggling between two or more people, this workshop will use the clubs. Patterns will be different depending on the level passes the malabareros and their concerns in this variant of juggling. It is good to know

juggling clubs, but not essential, because otherwise you'll know that you learn explanations for the quiet, I mean you have no excuse to miss the workshop. Ladies

and gentlemen ...." Passing "and enjoy the workshop Passing!
I hope!

Traditional Culture Centre Can Canyadó,
c / Pompeu Fabra s / n Badalona

Stocking Stuffer Husband

Mayo.Barcelona Klezmer.13 and 14

Circus Klezmer
Held Ateneu Nou Barris (Barcelona)
13 and May 14 at 21:00

Are you going to lose?

Buy Pokemon In Sydney

Days Festival KeDarte CSOA Contrasesalojos Mayo.Barcelona Artkatraz.4 of Courses

everyone! HOLA! 4

This is the program:

17:00 Wednesday May 4 ACROBATICS workshop open projection

19:30 21:00 arbor and show!

Thursday May 5 workshop cabley
17:00 19:30 21:00
video projection open gazebo and show!

Friday May 6 trapeze workshop
17:00 19:30 21:00
video projection open gazebo and special guest show Loco Brusca

Saturday May 7 16:00 16:00
clown workshop recycling workshop 17:00
passacalle percussio great joy contrarrepressivo

With colorful take to the streets

From the 14 free lunch.

Bring your juggling, your instruments, your stilts, your costumes.

Artkatraz hits the streets to fight for what our

If speculation is law is a right to occupy

For freedom of expression

decriminalization of art


work If they kill me and if I do fine work

Metrovacesa social center makes your company

popular culture can not buy

May 8
Sunday 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. and soundsistem skate championship
20:00 arbor and GRAND GALA.

Now more than ever we need the support of everyone!!

How To Become A Mortician In California

Festival Almagro Classical Theatre "Real

Hello soloactorianos / as!

We inform the course of the "Festival de Teatro Clásico de Almagro" in July. Entries end on May 10.

interesting workshops:

- The Workshop Verso with Vicente Fuente, includes lodging!! ;-)

- Playwriting Workshop with Miguel del Arco, who led Esperet Nuria in "The rape of Lucretia" and now has released "Vacationer" at the Abbey Theatre.

- Music Workshop with Luis Delgado . He has written songs that were included in the movie "The Kingdom of Heaven" by Ridley Scott.

For more info click on this link:

What Inkjet Printer For Designers


and winning a


Draw Results:

  • Seat 1: Maria
  • Position 2: Patigochi
  • Position 3: xiito
  • Position 4: Monchy
  • Place 5: cuikiki
  • Place 6: The chimney
  • paper

So the twelve winners of the VINYL ADHESIVE are: Fashion felt, Silvia, Charramanguina, Lica, Llardelluna, Mimibu, Maria, Patigochi, xiito, Monchy, cuikiki, the paper stack.

Remember that if you send me a photo picture TOY DEVIL vinyl applied to your car, motorcycle ... I will send a KIPURUKI FELT BROOCH.

Thank you all again for participating! ^ ^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Male Brazilian Waxing Ottawa

Julio.Ciudad Clown I: To be i be on the scene (12, 13, May 14) Barcelona

Clown I: be i be on the scene (12, 13, 14 May)
Registration here

For people who have already entered the world of clown and want to deepen about getting to the scene without the need to do. It will work the core and the presence of each other, the light emitted by every clown, clothing that brings and how it help or harm him, and his way of communicating emotions and words. We will rely on technology to make things big and small can be developed as much as possible. And also to create small worlds and how to do to stay alive when the clowns are no longer on the scene.

Duration: 16 hours
Day 12: 17-21h / day 13: 17-21h / day 14: 10-14h and 15-19h

Price: 155 € (10% discount * Pallapupas partners and members).
Course Code: C-4/11 Applications: May 10

Estebanell Course provided by Sergi (Barcelona). Artistic Trainer Program Pallapupas Hospital Clowns. Co-founder, actor and director of La Banda, and co-creator and actor of Kamchatka. * Co-Artistic Director until 2009 Poblenou Scene, Fall Festival. Make courses as a trainer in clown since 1999.

Can Panadol Suddenly Kill A Dog

The weight of Mayo.Madrid Alma.7. Show

Avd of Enlightenment S / N

May 7, 2011 10:30 p.m.
91.730.17.30 theater box office

Dance Co. of Alma Weight
Art Director: Ahmed
-Karetti / Gustavo Hoyos
- Ahmed Karetti
- Gustavo Hoyos
- David Ventosa
- Fayez Abu-Jamous
- Tao Gutierrez

The Weight of the Soul "uses the language of Hip Hop by creating a contemporary choreography and developing diverse disciplines as contemporary dance and circus arts.

seek inspiration in the individual robot, loss of identity, routine life reflection of today, through which we develop original personality and the liberation of soul through the dance.

With a smooth intensity achieved through a combination between movement, lighting and music, encourages flexibility and originality of each of the dancers taking them both to perfection as the peak of artistic expression.

"The Weight of the Soul" seeks to encourage sustainable development of Hip Hop dance, choreography Research favoring new scenic language, our common mission is to promote Hip Hop dance in their stage of research and development, this research has led to the professional development of Hip Hop in other techniques and artistic styles, Contemporary Dance and Circus Arts (Chinese Mast canvas Air).

Reference Letter Community Service

final year and Theater Circus School Mayo.Torrelavega Físico.13 of Butoh Dance Workshop

School of Circus and Physical Theatre will present on Friday, May 13 his final year show.

The performance will take place at the Teatro Concha Espina Torrelavega, after 20h.
Admission is free until all seats. The show

students will stage a show that combines disciplines in physical theater and circus clown.

On this 7 th edition of the School involving a total of 78 students divided into courses and case studies this year have been launched.

The initiative is carried out from the company Cantabrian Malabaracirco circus-theater, and has the support of the Department of Youth of the Government of Cantabria, and the Youth Council of the City Council of Torrelavega.

Friday, May 13 20:00

Teatro Concha Espina Torrelavega Cantabria.

Does Milk Cause Herpes To Outbreak

Marianela Leon.7 and May 8 (Bilbao) from the CIA Penelope

Click image to enlarge

Butoh Dance Workshop of Marianela Leon .

7 and May 8 (Saturday and Sunday)
11:00 to 15:00 Price: 50 euros
In Vanishing Point (C / Cortes 29, 6 º Bilbo)

+ info and registration: 617 143 218 -

How To Get A3 On Powerpoint

Plana.6 Pepa, 7 and 8 MayoGranollers , BCN

Friday 6 May at 21h
Saturday 7 to Sunday 8
21h to 19h

Once you get a clown, named Pepa Plana, and make me wait for the return of a husband who has just leave home to go to war. Give as a distraction, a sewing machine and thread to sew enough to forget his pain and make us pass us forget our own. Well, the result Wicked is a remake of the Trojan War, with their ships, their towns, their heroic warriors and, of course, the famous horse which brought victory to the forces of Ulysses show in Catalan

Length: 75 min Genre
Pallassos Web:

Carrer de Ponent, 60 08401 Granollers
Tel: 93 849 81 67

How To Calculate Recurring Deposit Intrest Rates

Road Festival Mayo.Fraga Emergentes.6 to 8 (Aragon)

Click the image to expand

More info at:

Congratulations Quotes For New Work

Expeditions DR Congo and Lebanon Clowns Without Borders in May Programming

PSF volunteers Dear artists,

hope that spring is I felt great and I encourage enrolaros PSF in a caravan!
Finally we closed the calendar for the next two expeditions to the DR Congo and Lebanon. Here we leave the details:


  • The next action in the Kivu region North, in the DR Congo, will be done between the months of June and July 2011. The dates suggest inicialmetne and could vary significantly depending on your availability are the June 15 to July 5.
  • We need a team of 4 artists where at least there is a woman artist and where at least have a team member who speaks French. English is also welcome for this issue, but that does not have to be a member @ h Able to French to make contact with the public and the people there waiting for you.
  • The work performed is an entertainment TOUR in different towns and cities where house people affected by the violence that has rocked the region for decades and that are returned from temporary camps where they were living in subhuman conditions for months or even years. The proceedings will be carried out predominantly in schools and public places of the villages. This part of the visa is issued in counterpart with the UN, particularly with UNHCR.
  • Part of the work done in collaboration with the organization DON BOSCO, which operates in the city of Goma a shelter for former child soldiers and for girls who have suffered sexual violence.
  • The deadline to register as a lever ipo team interested is May 12.


  • During the month of July, the next expedition to Lebanon, is number 11 in three years!
  • We need a team of 4 artists with at least one of them must be women.
  • that is required at least 2 of the team members speak English well.
  • The dates remain open for the moment, whenever 20 days in the month of July.
  • Our partner there is the UNRWA and the work is a tour of shows in the refugee camps of existing Palestinian population in southern Lebanon and Beirut.
  • deadline as a team interested in: May 30.

To contact the office:

  • Contact: Samuel Rodriguez
  • Phone: 933248420 / 653984237
  • Hours: From 9:00 h to 18:00 h
  • Mail:
  • Address: Roser 74, low. Barcelona. Metro L3-Paral.lel.

Thanks to everyone for vuetra attention and for making this project with your volunteer work!

Clowns Without Borders office

Heather Harmons Friend


This is the final list as is the final list of sweepstakes under conditions VINYL ADHESIVE DEVIL PUSSY TOY:

1, has to be followed my @ r blog! 2 nd Post
this entry by leaving a comment on what you like best about kipuruki and your email address and blog. 3 rd Post
this giveaway on your blog.

fashion felt
Maria Reyes
The stack of paper
Béchu Béchu
Dragonfly Black
the marine
the hiding place of the spider pops
Miss soler
valentina felt

settings Only one
xiito little-glitters

Fios e The animal Stampede
bibi's cakes

groove baby Na Maria

The first six that met all the requirements and therefore have already won a CAR STICKER VINYL are: Fashion felt, Silvia, Charramanguina, Lica, Llardelluna, Mimibu

Tomorrow we will know the winners of the draw!
Thanks to all for participating! and thank you very much for the nice things you said Kipuruki!

Helicobacter Pylori Shortness Of Breath

Cafe Theatre Arts

Click images to enlarge
Cafe Theatre Arts
Tel: +34 625 959 969
Calle Garcia Morato 4, bj. 39009 Santander

Wooden Fingerboards Europe

Santander EJC 2011 in Munich, Germany

is now open registration period for the EJC this year in Munich. Here's the link to the information booklet that contains all the necessary information:

And here's the page from which pre-register. It is still in English.
https: / / /

If any questions do not hesitate to ask the following address:

information will shortly begin to go directly to your post, but please, I ask that we inform you all your acquaintances and / or people interested in attending the convention ... Everyone knows that any effort to reach people is always too little.

Greetings to all. Guillermo

New English representative of the EJA

Sending Message About New Born Baby

VI Festival of Street Theatre and the Carrer.6 Elx, 7 and 8 Mayo.Elche

This Weekend 6,7 and 8 May Festival of Street Theatre and Elx al Carrer, 60 performances of theater, juggling and acrobatics, Music, Songwriters, Etc. .. Do not miss it and if you come to the festival organization provides a free camping area. More info. in /

Programming clicking here

Monday, May 2, 2011

Outdoor Santa Clauses

Arnalot presents Dudu May CALMA.6 . Barcelona

of Quiet Clown Dudu. Friday May 6 € 4

23h Tic-taco, tic-tac. We can not be late, I say damn train tickets. But Dudu read only occasionally and, of course, never print. So sometimes you lose a plane, keys or a train. tic-tac, tic-tac. Dash, nerves, a whistle away, confusion ... cool!

The train is gone, silence fills the platform. Now it only remains to wait for the next convoy, tic-tac, tic-tac, and waiting, boredom, and boredom, fantasy. Imaginary characters and situations come alive ....
tic-tac, tic-tac.

If one day you lose the train, do not lose your cool. Dudu knows.

Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

Why Do Finger Go White

The space and largest self-managed Barcelona in danger of eviction. Microespectáculos

Please circulate. The space occupied and self-managed Barcelona largest in danger of eviction.

BEFORE METROVACESA (construction company, which broadcasts commercial centers, speculation, debt and pollution) will touch ARTKATRAZ THIS IS OUR DOOR.

ArtKatraz is a dynamic and diverse group of people from different parts of the world with different artistic groups, professional, cultural and social.

Our group was born in October 2009 with the idea of \u200b\u200bcarrying out a project entirely social and non-profit. We used an abandoned space, rehabilitating it to carry out our objectives.

Our intention is to offer to everyone without any discrimination, a space where possible training, practice and expression of art, culture and sundry non-profit. Living in a community, gathering the energy to carry out a project that involves all people and creating an alternative model outside the consumer society.

Our main achievements during this year and a half have been:

Conducting more than 200 cabarets, enabling 11 spaces for artistic creation through recycling of waste materials, creating a community garden in a cosmopolitan city, the an area open to kitchen, library, training areas, bathrooms, open stage & in which have also been community gazebos.

Artkatraz believe in an ideology of self, believe in access to housing, health care and free education, create an exchange and purchasing power, believes in reducing the environmental impact, he believes in an assembly system as a social project management and this creates an alternative model to this consumer society.

current situation.

On Thursday April 28, at 10:40 am, knock on the door of the social center Arkatraz a person representing the company Metrovacesa, accompanied by two others, giving us the term two hours to leave the place where we put our energy for a year and a half. Action virtually impossible given that we live with more than 20 animals we have a garden with plants and trees that we care and we can not leave without more, that have a material that has cost us an effort to create and remove cost a lot longer than the term given ridiculous.

This why? Metrovacesa is Spain's leading real estate has a gross asset value of 8.082 million in Europe in September 2010, 76% of this amount corresponds to the portfolio of assets valued at more than 6,500 million euros. His budget mission, inscribed on its website is to generate value for shareholders, ensuring customer satisfaction and suppliers creating an attractive working environment to ensure personal and professional development of employees and fostering a culture of respect for the environment and the integration of disadvantaged groups in society. ( ). The main shareholders are banks, including Banco Santander, BBVA and Banco Popular.Y wonder then, if presumed to values \u200b\u200bsuch as integration and personal development, how they can build the Arenas Mall? "To help disadvantaged collective? "Those who have sufficient economic capital to invest in an overwhelming and unnecessary consumerism and fashion apparel, art, jewelry & ? And they do to preserve the environment? Promote the spread of brick?

now our turn came to us, and to promote integrated environmental philosophy and want to deprive us of a place that had been abandoned a long time and we have rehabilitated through the efforts of those who believe in our social project therefore had to abandon a garden with fruit trees, an area with animals, and other places where they are carried out different forms of artistic expression.

Our judicial process just because we do not consider that part of having power Metrovacesa strong economic growth that leads not to deny people their defense before a trial, and that of the 14 involved in the judicial process, neither was advised of his situation, not only by letter if not through the Government Gazette claim that the Social Centre came to give notice that we were in a judicial process, but found it boarded up and therefore could not inform & It seems a strange coincidence that the day to inform us of our judicial process so that we could have found defendant had walled and the day being evicted, the doors are open Social Center, a fact that always happens because Artkatraz is a social center, open provided to all.

Now the sentence is imposed, since the five days that follow the ruling of a trial to claim have passed, because we are not notified of the trial. We can not defend, do not give us the opportunity to not even show everything that we undertake in the center with a social objective and not even give us the necessary time to find another place in time where they could be. All this means that more than 40 people were left without a place to live, which take the risk of losing material of significant economic value, impairment of continuing social project of great human value, and the lack of spaces creation and training Free.

Today eviction is suspended until further notice with a supposed date of eviction. Our uncertainty is large, we do not know if you receive this notification, because the former were not received. Meanwhile, we live with this doubt, not knowing when it's time to leave our home and design, yet we continue our objectives, including giving workshops, cabarets do, we water the garden & hoping that when the eviction take into account our effort and our dedication to be rehabilitated for over a year, a full space abandoned, without any profit motive, for a large number of people freely to enjoy an alternative to the current social development, which we consider oppressive and discriminatory. But above all, we still believe in our project, and not because we removed a material space stripped us of our ideas.

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quality bag for adults (BCN)

We are creating an adult microespectáculos bag (extreme clown, burlesque, poetry, performance, close-up magic, dance and other different and daring proposals) quality for a new format for Sunday lunch once a month, a local center of Barcelona (near Drassanes) with years of reputation in the nightlife. The thing is to try a different time, creating the need to experience the artistic event at any time, not only at night.

The public would be quite different from that usually go to see your performances (although we will work to include a developer and journalist in each monthly meeting) so it's a good place to test quality pills (or separate parts of your shows). The idea also is to have a break barriers, people are close and vermouth can be taken with you after the performance.

is a pilot, an adventure without a budget or sponsorship that we try starting to be quite the opposite shortly. If you want to join, I can keep explaining. If you know of interested people, unto them the message!

Txus Garcia:::

Cia Human Trash (strangers cabarets)

What Should I Name My Cake Shop

I wrote an article

This illustration THE WALKER DOGS serves to illustrate the articles that I have spent on CRAFTS BLOG I leave here the article.

Elena Catalan born in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis thirty-three years, and studied Arts and Crafts School Josep Serra i Abella, Fashion & Comics.

"I've always grown up surrounded by creativity. My father was a craftsman of glass and my mother a painter, it seems that creative streak inherited it always defacing the walls, making clay figurines and drawing, drawing and sketching. 18 years ago I started doing exhibitions both collective and individual, usually oil, but also an illustration or glass painting on wood. I've always liked to innovate and pursue my own creative path. "

belongs to the Artists Association d'Art and AL Retalls walldesing collective. He has worked as an illustrator of fashion, decoration and decals makes working with an NGO for the humanization of hospital spaces for children. His recent projects include completing a graphic novel about bullying and its consequences and a pair of children illustration projects.

" Kipuruki is already a year old, although the first Felt dolls I made about two years ago. Is increasingly gaining the kawaii aesthetic I wanted to achieve. From the beginning, the good reception given kipuruki motivated me to continue to innovate, create more designs, try other materials such as polymers and clays develop my own techniques for transferring of fimo and felt. "

Now he wants to start making your own line of teddy bears, cloth dolls , bags and printed T-shirts . Also soon offer its own fabrics with designs and patterns made by it, and want to make some tutorials which show how to do step by step designs.

"My dreams and my hopes are to me a hollow Kawaii illustrator and children's illustrator and publisher to create a small craft tutorials which offer my skills and my employers to the public."

Disconnect Linesletter

KAWAII TEDDY BEAR I have plagiarized


day like today I could not take better pictures but finally here I show you my first KAWAII TEDDY BEAR. I have arisen I deem the image of my illustrations of the bears eat clouds.
I will take better pictures when you have better light.

I want to make a series of TUTORIALS KIPURUKI and among them are the patterns to make this lovely KAWAII BEAR OF CLOTH so CUTE .

And as always is the holy me to heaven ... I have to make the final list and make the draw for the ADHESIVE VINYL DEVIL TOY CAR

Gay Cruising And Beats Sydney

And speaking of women, 25 years ago in "deep Spain" HAD NO WASHERS

peoples in general and in particular had laundry in my village there are still making
"MINI FAMILY LAUNDRY" but every year there are less.

They are within 500 meters of the village, and every woman had a family or separated from the others, they tell me to "Imagine with 4-10 degrees below zero, go to the laundry with the basin in the head and back with wet clothes. "
unimaginable, and why I have 50's and and my mother in Casablanca, drove American cars 60años makes automatic and at the time I was little we had tv. adelantos.Éstas other women in the deep Spain had no washing machines and now there are women in many African countries and some have no water or food for their children, or a roof over their heads. UNIMAGINABLE

And aki you how I work ahead of you yet I can teach a whole