http://tarariquetvi.blogspot.com/ For remember things I have to try.
http://elesconditedelaarana.blogspot.com/ For these adorable stuffed animals makes super-soft.
http://imsomniadreams.blogspot.com/ For all your support and those books that makes super worked in felt.
http://www.mademoisellealex.com/ For the sensitivity of their creations and looking after me. You're my guardian angel!
http://puntoperdido.blogspot.com/ I fell their amigurumis
http://charramanguina.blogspot.com / I love his work as meticulous and color scheme.
http://elrincondemistesoros.blogspot.com/ mice do love ... by the way is to draw.
Http://www.elsotaescala.com/ Always giving ideas!
http://megustaloquehaces.blogspot.com/ For all we know well and always has a kind word!
not fail to go through them! And the winners if you want you can give it another 9 posts, yes my number is 9
nice weekend! ^ ^
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